Education in Affiliated Colleges


        All students want to get admission in a good government university. Therefore, they work hard in Intermediate so that they can get admission in the university.

       The university has limited seats for the students and the merit is also quite high.
Every year there is an increase in the merit. Therefore, the students have to work hard considering the previous year's merit so that they can meet the next year's merit.

         Remember that in some government universities there is no test procedure or only for admission in a few departments.
 It is necessary to take the entry test to get admission in such departments. Besides passing the test, good marks in matriculation and intermediate are also required so that your name can appear in the merit list of the university.

Alternative ways:

        If the students cannot get admission in  University then there are following options for them.

1- Affiliated Colleges

2- Private Universities 

       First we will talk in detail about the education in affliated colleges.

 1- Education in Affiliated Colleges 

          We will discuss all  their elements of  in detail including their passing criteria and distribution of marks. 

If Students  do not get admission in a university then some of them take admission in affliated college to continue.

  These affiliated colleges associated with a different university and give the degrees of those particular universities.

    These private colleges open admissions mostly in programs(departments) that are highly demanded. 
   We are going talk about two most papular degree program. These two degree programs mostly offered in every affiliated institute. 

 1- BS (bacholar Science) 
 2- ADP ( Associate Degree Program)  

1-BS (Bacholar Science)

                A BS degree is a four-year degree program. This four-year degree consists of eight semesters (terms) . Each semester's duration is six months.

              This four-year degree is equivalent to a master's(16 years of education) degree. Intermediate pass students can take admission in this degree.  

            After completing this degree, one can take admission in the  MPhil.

             One disadvantage of this degree is that if you fail or drop out even in 7 semester. So your time will be wasted.

BS Criteria & Number division in Affiliated Institutes:

              Each semester of BS consists of 4-6 different subjects. The total marks of each subject is 100.

    These affiliated  colleges hold 40 marks and the remaining 60 marks are held by universities.
      Out of the 40 marks held by the college, 10 marks is sessional and the remaining 30 marks are taken from the mid term exam.

         University takes 60 marks paper.
If the subject is practical ( like science subjects biology or computer etc.) then there is a university theory paper of 40 marks and a practical of 20 marks is taken.

                If there is no practical subject  (like English, Urdu, Pak Studies etc.) then only theory paper of 60 marks is taken.

       To pass in any subject it is necessary to pass both the mid term  and final term paper along with 50% marks in total.
      If your total marks are 50 plus but you fail in final or practical paper then you will be considered fail. Three chances are given to pass any failed subject.

   The university paper consists of two parts. One part is objective and the other is subjective. Objective has short questions while subjective has detailed(long) questions.
           Objective part has no choice. It means all given short questions must be solved.     While subjective part has to solve three out of five questions.

        Remember, for getting degree you must   pass all semesters  with all subjects.